I take a look at Image's latest sexy title Morning Glories : For a Better Future vol.1 (image)TPB $9.99 by Nick Spencer , art: Joe Eisma
Morning Glory Academy is one of the most prestigious prep schools in the country, but something sinister and deadly lurks behind its walls. When six gifted but troubled new students arrive, they find themselves trapped and fighting for their lives as the secrets of the academy reveal themselves!
the opening page
Gord Says:
Nick Spencer is basically playing 20 questions with himself and we're watching him play caz the questions are crazy and we are curious to see where the hell this is going. I don't know what really to say , there's so much going on in this story , from super natural to psychological thriller to teen drama to slasher to murder mystery , .. etc. Whether Spencer is using cheap parlor tricks or intellectual stimuli , it doesn't matter I dont know how this ends but I want to know.
I really like the fact that Spencer is writing on his own pace and doing this the way he wants to.. he's not cramming things into a short series and hurrying himself up. The further this series moves forward , the deeper and more complicated the plot and characters get. I read this in monthly floppy form and again in its collected form.. it reads much better together , I get the feeling this series will be even better when its complete.
The questions Morning Glories creates within it's storytelling is boundless , it will initiate discussion in your head that will border line schizophrenia. What's the M Night Shylaman twist to the school and characters? What's the big secret behind all of this ? Who's this ,and who's that? What the fuck is that about? what the hell is going on ?... It's magnificent
The Good:
The value for the trade is as good as it gets. Its collects the first 6 comics priced at 3.50 each , over 190 pages.. for TEN BUCKS $10!!!! I recommend highly just based on that. They're clearly using the Crack Dealer business model.. give that first hit for cheap , get you hooked and cash in long term on our addictions. .
Nick Spencer is basically playing 20 questions with himself and we're watching him play caz the questions are crazy and we are curious to see where the hell this is going. I don't know what really to say , there's so much going on in this story , from super natural to psychological thriller to teen drama to slasher to murder mystery , .. etc. Whether Spencer is using cheap parlor tricks or intellectual stimuli , it doesn't matter I dont know how this ends but I want to know.
I really like the fact that Spencer is writing on his own pace and doing this the way he wants to.. he's not cramming things into a short series and hurrying himself up. The further this series moves forward , the deeper and more complicated the plot and characters get. I read this in monthly floppy form and again in its collected form.. it reads much better together , I get the feeling this series will be even better when its complete.
The questions Morning Glories creates within it's storytelling is boundless , it will initiate discussion in your head that will border line schizophrenia. What's the M Night Shylaman twist to the school and characters? What's the big secret behind all of this ? Who's this ,and who's that? What the fuck is that about? what the hell is going on ?... It's magnificent
The Good:
The value for the trade is as good as it gets. Its collects the first 6 comics priced at 3.50 each , over 190 pages.. for TEN BUCKS $10!!!! I recommend highly just based on that. They're clearly using the Crack Dealer business model.. give that first hit for cheap , get you hooked and cash in long term on our addictions. .
Verdict: Dig it or Ditch it